Online Learning Design for Educators


The course will cover questions such as: What is online learning and how does it differ from learning in traditional classroom settings? Do the needs of online learners differ from their face-to-face counterparts? How can I design online learning so that it reflects and meets the needs of my learners? Which tools and resources are readily available and easy to master for facilitating engaging and interactive online learning? These questions and many more will be answered in this course, which is designed for teachers and educators who are new to online learning, or those who are preparing to adapt existing learning resources to an online learning environment.

  • MOOC
  • Enseignant-es
  • Anglais
Compétences pré-requises
  • Non renseigné
Compétences travaillées
  • Recherche d’information/donnée/contenu numérique (niveau B)
  • Filtrage et évaluation d’information/ contenu numérique (niveau B)
  • Définition et développement du contenu numérique (niveau B)
  • Intégration et réélaboration du contenu (niveau B)