Online Course Development

Planning and Implementation
EdX Courses

What you'll learn?

·       Learn how to conduct a needs assessment and form a strategic plan for online course development.

·       Identify, appraise and implement appropriate learning tools, technology, systems and communication channels.

·       Gain an understanding of the key program development elements and considerations such as modes of delivery, pace, and scheduling.

·       Learn how to effectively manage your team when launching an online course or program, including leading through change and transition, distinguishing team member roles, and instilling appropriate team and instructor training and support.

  • MOOC
  • Enseignant-es
  • Anglais
Compétences pré-requises
  • Non renseigné
Compétences travaillées
  • Définition et développement du contenu numérique (niveau C)
  • Intégration et réélaboration du contenu (niveau C)
  • Diffusion de contenu à travers les technologies numériques (niveau B)
  • Partage et collaboration à travers les technologies numériques (niveau B)
  • Interaction à travers les technologies numériques (niveau B)