Service to the Public: A Design Approach

Faculty of Social Sciences


The objective of this seminar is to offer MSc students the methodological foundation of Service innovation.


Combining theoretical and hands-on sessions, this seminar provides the participants with the required methodological foundation for their design challenges in service innovation, information systems, public policy design, etc.
Design thinking (Brown, 2008), Innovation Games (Hohmann 2006) and other techniques are studied and used in creative ideation workshops leading to prototyping and evaluation.
Every year starts with a new "messy / wicked" problem to tackle and challenge with the required creative and disruptive mindset !
The learning experience combines formal aspects with informal sessions leveraging creativity.

There are no prerequisites to participate in this seminar. Students may come from any discipline as long as there is a strong interest for digital innovation.


  • Cours
  • Étudiant-es
  • Auditeur/trices libres
  • Français
Compétences pré-requises
  • Non renseigné
Compétences travaillées
  • Définition et développement du contenu numérique (niveau B)